Exploring Pseudo-Weight in Augmented Reality Extended Displays ⚖️

Shohei Mori1, Yuta Kataoka2, and Satoshi Hashiguchi3

1Graz University of Technology, 2Ritsumeikan University, 3Ryukoku University

IEEE Virtual Reality (VR) 2022

AR technology enables virtually adding free-form supplemental display areas in the AR space. a) These display areas, or AREDs, are private and more free from weight, size, and materials. Contrary to existing work that discusses the performance of AREDs, we explore how such “weightless” visualization affects our weight sensation. In this study, we found that b) the distance from the device of reference to AREDs and c) the time until it reacts to the physical motion induces a lighter and heavier impression, respectively. We provide quantifications of these two factors, as shown in each figure.

Abstract Augmented reality (AR) allows us to wear virtual displays that are registered to our bodies and devices. Such virtually extendable displays, or AR extended displays (AREDs), provide personal display space and are free from physical restrictions. Existing work has explored the new design space to improve user experience and efficiency. Contrary to this direction, we focus on the weight that the user perceives from AREDs, even though they are virtual and have no physical weight. Our user study results show evidence that AREDs can be a source of pseudo-weight, in addition to that of a handheld physical display device. We also systematically evaluate the perceived weight changes depending on the layout and delay in the visualization system. These findings are similar to those in existing pseudo-haptics research. However, we found such behavior in pseudo-weight for a real device and virtual visual stimuli in the air, which differentiates our research from previous work.

Xplore PDF Video Talk
    author={Mori, Shohei and Kataoka, Yuta and Hashiguchi, Satoshi},
    booktitle={IEEE Conf. on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)}, 
    title={Exploring Pseudo-Weight in Augmented Reality Extended Displays}, 