🥽Dr. Shohei Mori is a junior research group leader (Mediated Reality Group ) at the Visualization Research Center (VISUS), University of Stuttgart, Germany, and holds the esteemed position of Guest Associate Professor (Global) at Keio University, Japan.
🔎His research primarily focused on computational Mediated Reality , a fusion of Augmented Reality and Diminished Reality, with an emphasis on human-centered visual computing. He has been addressing the core vision and graphics problems inherent in Mediated Reality, with applications spanning across education, entertainment, and cinematography.
🏅He is a recipient of multiple scientific awards. These include the best journal paper awards at IEEE ISMAR 2023 and IEEE VR 2022, the best conference paper award at IEEE ISMAR 2021, the best paper award at IEEE VR Workshop KELVAR 2020, the best demo award at IEEE ISMAR 2016, and the best presentation award at KJMR 2015 and KJMR 2014.

I have achieved scientific milestones, including publications and grant acquisitions, with the following collaborators.
🧑🔬 Academia
- University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Graz University of Technology (TU Graz), Austria
- Keio University, Japan
- Ritsumeikan University, Japan
- Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan
- Ryukoku University, Japan
- Fachhochschule Salzburg (FH Salzburg), Austria
- Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria
- University of Otago, New Zealand
- Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany
- University of Trento, Italy
- University of Bologna, Italy
- Stanford University, USA
- University of Hong Kong, China
👩💼 Industry
- AVL List GmbH, Austria
- NEC Corporation, Japan
- NTT Laboratories, Japan
- National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
- ViSCO Technologies Corporation, Japan
🏆 Awards
- SIG-MR Award Special Interest Group on Mixed Reality (SIG-MR) 2025, Toward Multi-Plane Image Reconstruction from a Casually Captured Focal Stack (in Japanese)
- Interactive Presentation Award Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding (MIRU) 2024, Multi-layer Image Generation from Synthetic Defocus Image Evaluation (in Japanese)
- Best Journal Paper Award IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2023, Multi-layer Scene Representation from Composed Focal Stacks
- Best Journal Paper Award Nominee IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2023, Exemplar-Based Inpainting for 6DOF Virtual Reality Photos
- Best Journal Paper Award IEEE Virtual Reality (VR) 2022, Video See-Through Mixed Reality with Focus Cues
- Best Journal Paper Award The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan (IIEEJ) 2022, Visual Odometry Adjusted to the Scale of a Global Map (in Japanese)
- Best Paper Award Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery (JSCAS) 2022, 3D Structure Estimation of the Surgical Field from Multi-view Video ―Towards the Free-viewpoint Visualization of Open Surgery― (in Japanese)
- Best Conference Paper Award IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2021, Neural Cameras: Learning Camera Characteristics for Coherent Mixed Reality Rendering
- Best Paper Award IEEE Virtual Reality Workshop on K-12+ Embodied Learning through Virtual & Augmented Reality (KELVAR) 2020, Tools for Teaching Mining Students in Virtual Reality based on 360° Video Experiences
- Best Reading Group Int. Computer Vision Summer School (ICVSS) 2016
- Best Demo Award IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2015, DOMINO (Do Mixed-reality Non-stop) Toppling
- Best Presentation Award Korea Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality (KJMR) 2015, An AR/MR Camera Tracker Using View Dependent Texture Mapping
- Best Presentation Award Korea Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality (KJMR) 2014, Building a Data Acquisition Studio for Diminished Reality Research
- Dean Education Award Parents Association of Student Education Assistance of Ritsumeikan University (PASEAR), 2009, For the top three high achievers
- Education Award Parents Association of Student Education Assistance of Ritsumeikan University (PASEAR), 2008
- Award for Excellence Parents Association of Student Education Assistance of Ritsumeikan University (PASEAR), 2007
🎓 Scholarships
- KENKYU-SHOREI Scholarship S (Prize Fellowship for the Doctoral Degree Students) Ritsumeikan University, 2013-2016, For the JSPS DC1/DC2 achievers
- Saionji Graduate School Encouragement Scholarship Ritsumeikan University, 2011, For the top graduate
- Saionji Ikuei Scholarship Ritsumeikan University, 2010, For the top three high achievers
- Saionji Ikuei Scholarship Ritsumeikan University, 2009, For the top three high achievers
- Saionji Ikuei Scholarship Ritsumeikan University, 2008, For the top three high achievers
- Immersive 3D Spatial Editing for Large Workspace with a Stretchable Stylus and a Hand-held Canvas Ritsumeikan International Collaborative Research Promotion Program (Startup), Counterpart Principal Investigator (Apr. 2024 - Mar. 2025)
- 3DDR - Real-time Three-Dimensional Diminished Reality Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF), P33634, Co-Investigator (Jan. 2021 - Dec. 2024)
- Proof-of-Concept zur für Modifikation von Sensordaten AVL List GmbH, Expert Researcher (Apr. 2023 - Oct. 2023)
- An Interdisciplinary Research Center on Supporting Cognitive and Communication for Elderly Ritsumeikan Global Innovation Research Organization (R-GIRO), Project Member (Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2026)
- Perceptually High Contrast Optical See-Through HMD based on Adaptation (in Japanese) Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 17K12729, Principal Investigator (Apr. 2017 - Sept. 2018)
- Research on Mixed and Augmented Reality Using Light Field Cameras (in Japanese) Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (PD), 16J05114, Research Fellow (Apr. 2016 - Sept. 2018)
- Two Approaches for Improving the Expressiveness of Mixed Reality Space (in Japanese) Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (DC-1), 13J09193, Research Fellow (Apr. 2013 - Mar. 2016)
- Systematizing and Consolidating a Technological Basis of Mixed and Diminished Reality Space Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S), 24220004, Research Collaborator (May 2012 - Mar. 2017)
- Advanced Seminar (UniStuttgart) (WS2024) - Image-Based and Neural Rendering.
- Research Seminar - Virtual Reality (TU Graz) (2022 - 2024) - Management of weekly students' research presentations.
Guest Lecturer
- Cognitive Science Research Center Study Group (Cognitive Science Research Center, Ritsumeikan University), organized by Asako Kimura (21.11.2024) - Gave an invited lecture on "Augmented Reality Research in Austria and Germany."
- Realtime Visualisation (FH Salzburg), in collaboration with Markus Tatzgern (WS2020, WS2021, WS2022, WS2023) - Gave lectures on image-based rendering and its application. Provided assignment design and implementation on light field reparameterization and AR-based light field capturing. Student presentation management.
- Augmented Reality (TU Graz), in collaboration with Denis Kalkofen and Peter Roth (WS2018, WS2019) / with Denis Kalkofen (WS2021) / with Alexander Plopski (WS2022, WS2023) - Gave lectures on visual tracking, camera calibration, image-based rendering, and diminished reality.
- Virtual Reality (TU Graz), in collaboration with Dieter Schmalstieg (SS2022) / with Clemens Arth (SS2023, SS2024) - Gave a lecture on image-based rendering, plenoptic cameras, light field displays, and neural rendering. Provided assignment design and implementation on image-based rendering using multi-sphere images.
- Biomedical Visualization / AK Computergraphics (TU Graz), in collaboration with Denis Kalkofen (WS2022, WS2023) - Gave a lecture on light field theory, imaging, and microscopy application and provided questions for the exam.
- Information Engineering Special Lecture Series (Keio Univ.), organized by Prof. Maki Sugimoto (25.11.2022) - Gave an invited lecture on "What we can/cannot see through today's mixed reality."
- Visual Informatics Lecture Series (Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.), organized by Prof. Akira Kimachi (6.3.2023) - Gave an invited lecture on "Why is "place CG there" in AR still challenging."
Teaching Assistant
- Scientific Writing (TU Graz), in collaboration with Peter Mohr (WS2022) - Provided topics, on which students research and describe.
- Computer Vision and Graphics (TU Graz), in collaboration with Markus Steinberger, Peter Mohr, Ana Stanescu, and Lukas Radl (SS2024) - Managed one of CG assignments with the team and tutors and performed plagiarism interviews.
- Experiments in Media Technology - Virtual/Mixed Reality (Ritsumeikan Univ.), (2011, 2012) - Group work supports and assignment evaluations.
Invited Lab Talks
- Augmented Reality Research in Austria and Germany (Keio University) with Peter Mohr-Ziak and Ana Stanescu, organized by Hideo Saito (27.11.2024)
- Augmented Reality Research in Austria and Germany (Ritsumeikan University) with Peter Mohr-Ziak and Ana Stanescu, organized by Asako Kimura (20.11.2024)
- Mediated Reality: 3D Real-World Augmentation and Beyond (FH Salzburg), organized by Markus Tatzgern (30.11.2023)
- Through the Looking Glass of Mediated Reality (NAIST), organized by Hideaki Uchiyama (22.11.2023)
- Lenses to See the World and Us in Mediated Reality (University of Stuttgart), organized by Dieter Schmalstieg (28.10.2023)
- Towards Editable World and Understanding It (Osaka University), organized by Daisuke Iwai (8.3.2023)
Working Member
- Information Processing Society of Japan, Info-WorkPlace, Specially Appointed Member (2023 - 2025)
- Virtual Reality Society of Japan, Academic Journal Committee (2020 - 2024), Newsletter Committee (2016 - 2020)
- Technical Committee on Plenoptic Time-Space Technology, Secretary (2016 - 2019)
- ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 24/WG 9 (Augmented reality continuum concepts and reference model), Support Member (2016 - 2019)
- TrakMark (Benchmark test schemes for AR/MR geometric registration and tracking methods), Support Member (2015, 2016)
- IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), IPC Member (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025), Super-Committee Member (2024, 2025), Web Co-Chair (2019), Session Chair (2024), DC Mentor (2024, 2025)
- IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), IPC Member (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair (2020, 2023), Demo Co-Chair (2018), Session Chair (2020, 2021, 2024)
- ACM CHI Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Student Volunteer Co-Chair (2025)
- Frontiers in Computer Science, Computer Graphics and Visualization, Review Editor (2021 -)
- Int. ACM Conf. on 3D Web Technology (Web3D), IPC Member (2020)
- Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE), IPC Member (2017)
- Asia-Pacific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR), Award Co-Chair (2024)
- Int. Workshop on Pseudo Privacy Preserving data-based Human State Estimation, Measurement, and Applications (IW-P3HSE), General Co-Chair (2024)
- Highly Diverse Cameras and Displays for Mixed and Augmented Reality (HDCD4MAR), General Co-Chair (2017)
- Int. Workshop on Diminished Reality as Challenging Issue in Mixed and Augmented Reality, Workshop Organizing Chair (2016)
- Diminished Reality for Emerging Applications in Medicine through Inpainting (DREAMING) Challenge, Co-Organizer (2024)
- Annual Conf. of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan (in Japanese), Publication Co-Chair (2017)
- PoTS Symposium (in Japanese), Local Chair (2017)
Peer-reviews (Journal)
- IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) (2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
- IEEE Trans. on Multimedia (2016, 2021, 2022)
- IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (CG&A) (2020)
- IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (TIP) (2023, 2024)
- IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM) (2020)
- Springer Virtual Reality (VR) (2023, 2024)
- Frontiers in Virtual Reality (2021, 2024)
- Frontiers in Signal Processing (2024)
- IPSJ Trans. on Computer Vision and Applications (CVA) (2017, 2019)
- IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems (2017, 2018)
- ITE Trans. on Media Technology and Applications (MTA) (2015)
- Technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (2017)
- Virtual Worlds (2023, 2024)
- Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE) (2021)
- Trans. of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan (VRSJ) (in English and Japanese) (2016, 2017, 2021, 2022)
- Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTA) (2023)
- Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS) (2023)
Peer-reviews (Conference)
- IEEE Virtual Reality (VR) (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025)
- IEEE Int. Symp. on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)
- ACM CHI Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) (2020, 2023) Late-Breaking Work (LBW) (2025)
- ACM Symp. on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) (2019)
- ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH) (2024)
- ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH) Asia (2023)
- IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis) (2020)
- IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (2023)
- IEEE Int. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) DREAMING Challenge (2024)
- Augmented Human (AH) (2019)
- Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environment (ICAT-EGVE) (2017, 2019), Posters/Demos (2022)
- Int. ACM Conf. on 3D Web Technology (2020)
- Asia Pasific Workshop on Mixed and Augmented Reality (APMAR) (2018, 2019)
- Int. Workshop on Diminished Reality as Challenging Issue in Mixed and Augmented Reality (IWDR) (2016)